F8M Foundation Statutes
Based on our vision, mission, and values, the statutes of the foundation establish the goals and actions we are undertaking to achieve these statutory objectives. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with our statutes because we place special emphasis on the transparency of our activities.
We have in total 18 statutory goals.
They can be divided into few groups:
1. Building a network of cooperation, engaging a wide range of stakeholders, and educating about monuments, their roles, and societal significance. What sets us apart, among many great heritage organizations, is our desire to persuade the unpersuaded. Our goal and daily work involve engaging entrepreneurs and activists from other fields in the community formed by our European heritage.
2. Acquiring, rescuing, and renovating historic buildings in a responsible and sustainable manner is the most challenging aspect of our work. It requires significant effort to persuade even more skeptics. In our statute, we specify a particular location—the so-called Piniński Manor in Rokietnica (Jarosław County)—where the foundation was established. We have also stated that there may be more such properties in the future.
3. Education, promoting Polish heritage and culture in Europe, and European heritage in Poland. These goals also involve fostering local identity around traditions and monuments, understanding history and its contemporary impacts, and engaging residents in shared future initiatives.
4. Promoting innovation, entrepreneurship, and collaboration. This is another set of goals that sets us apart. Our aim is to seek entrepreneurship even in less privileged groups, in challenging locations, with poorer economic circumstances. We believe that heritage sites can be a driving force for local communities, creating jobs and better prospects for the younger generation.
To achieve its objectives, the Statute specifies a range of actions that the foundation can undertake:
1. The key mission activities are linked to acquiring financial resources from various sources, both public and private. What distinguishes us is our efforts towards developing community initiatives for specific projects. This enables the achievement of the broader goal of social engagement in preserving heritage sites. It is also an inclusive action, as even less affluent individuals can participate and take pride in the completed projects.
2. As we plan to acquire and collaborate in the transformation of heritage sites, actions related to renovation are also crucial, especially in identifying suitable functions for historic properties so they can sustain themselves independently in the future. Therefore, we pursue our objectives by proposing new ways of using heritage buildings, believing that they are not only witnesses to the past but also significant players in the future. Consequently, it's important for them to consume less energy, produce less waste, and conserve water. We place particular emphasis on natural materials in renovation and restoring biodiversity through green spaces around heritage sites.
3. To best fulfill activities related to reducing energy consumption and exploring new functions that respond to local and broader needs, we achieve statutory objectives by engaging in international scientific projects, sharing knowledge, supporting local craftsmen and artists, organizing cultural events, and many other activities that can be carried out around heritage sites.